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Annales d’Éthiopie

The Annales d’Éthiopie is one of the main international and interdisciplinary journals about Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. It started in 1955. Since 2007, it is jointly published by the CFEE and the Éditions de Boccard (Paris). Volumes are archived online on the freely accessible website one year after their publication. The journal accepts and published articles in English and in French.

The journal

Founded in 1955 by the Archaeology Section of the Ethiopian Imperial Government, the Annales d’Éthiopie was first published as the Ethio-French Ethiopian Archaeology and Classical Studies journal, until 1990. Since 2000, when the CFEE was created and the journal’s publication started again, the Annales d’Éthiopie is dealing with all fields of Social Sciences and Humanities in all countries of the Horn of Africa, while still welcoming research in Palaeontology and Environmental Sciences.

Read the journal online

The issues of the Annales d’Éthiopie can be freely accessed online on one year after publication.

Follow the new publications and online publications, and find the tables of contents of issues published since 2006 on the blog of the CFEE.

Buy the journal or subscribe to it

Most of the Annales d’Éthiopie issues are on sale at the CFEE in Addis Ababa (to come to the CFEE).

Issues can also be bought on the website of the Éditions de Boccard.

Submit and article or a special topic project

The Annales d’Éthiopie publishes thematic issues, articles in varia, as well as editions of documents, book reviews, field books, or situation report. For thematic issues, an international call for papers is issued in specialised networks and on the CFEE blog.

All contributions are reviewed by the scientific committee of the journal as well as by two external reviewers. Evaluations are anonymous.

If you want to submit a contribution, please contact the director of publications: Marie Bridonneau (

Contributions must be written in line with the following guidelines:

Organisation of the journal

Publication directorMarie Bridonneau, geographer, assistant professor at the University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense (Mosaïques laboratory, UMR 7218 du CNRS), director of the CFEE (

 Clément Ménard, archaeologist at TRACES laboratory (UMR 5608, University of Toulouse – Jean Jaurès), scientific project manager of the CFEE (
 Constance Perrin-Joly, sociologist, assistant professor at the University of Paris 13, IRIS laboratoiry, currently appointed to the CFEE (

Scientific committee: 
 Ahmed Hassan Omer, historian, director of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa University, CFEE associate researcher
 Jon Abbink, anthropologist, African Studies Centre, Leiden
 Jean-Nicolas Bach, political scientist, director of the CEDEJ in Khartoum
 Giulia Bonacci, historian and art historian, researcher at the CNRS (UMR 8171 IMAF), Paris, CFEE associate researcher
 Jean-François Breton, archaeologist and historian, researcher at the CNRS, Emeritus (UMR 7041, laboratoire ArScAn), Nanterre, CFEE associate researcher
 Marie Bridonneau, geographer, assistant professor at the University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense (laboratoire Mosaïques, UMR 7218 du CNRS)
 Amélie Chekroun, historian, researcher at the CNRS, at the Institut de recherches et d’études sur les mondes arabes et musulmans (Iremam – UMR 7310, Aix-Marseille Université), CFEE associate researcher
 Marie-Laure Derat, historian, researcher at the CNRS (UMR 8167, Orient & Méditerranée), Paris, CFEE associate researcher
 Deresse Ayenachew, historian, CFEE associate researcher
 François-Xavier Fauvelle, historian, professor at the Collège de France, CFEE associate researcher
 Eloi Ficquet, anthropologist, assistant professor at the EHESS (CéSor), Paris, CFEE associate researcher
 Iwona Gajda, epigraphist, researcher at the CNRS (UMR 8167, Orient & Méditerranée), Paris
 Bertrand Hirsch, historian, professor at Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne (UMR 8171 IMAF), CFEE associate researcher
 Roger Joussaume, archaeologist, researcher at the CNRS, Emeritus
 Manfred Kropp, historian and philologist, professor emeritus at Mainz University
 Joséphine Lesur, zooarchaeologist, assistant professor at the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (UMR 7209, AASPE laboratory), Paris, CFEE associate researcher
 Thomas Osmond, anthropologist, CFEE associate researcher
 Alula Pankhurst, sociologist, associate professor at Addis Ababa University
 David Phillipson, archaeologist, professor emeritus at the University of Cambridge
 Sabine Planel, geographer, researcher at the IRD (UMR 8171 IMAF), Paris, CFEE associate researcher
 Gérard Prunier, historian and political scientist, researcher at the CNRS, retired, former CFEE director
 Christian Robin, archaeologist, researcher at the CNRS, emeritus (UMR 8167, Orient & Méditerranée), Paris
 Shiferaw Bekele, historian, professor at Addis Ababa University, retired
 Wolbert Smidt, historian, assistant professor at Mekelle University, CFEE associate researcher
 Anaïs Wion, historian, researcher at the CNRS (UMR 8171 IMAF), Ivry-sur-Seine, CFEE associate researcher
 Yonas Beyene, archaeologist, expert of the Association for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Addis-Abeba and Hawasa, CFEE associate researcher