CNRS Ministère des Affaires Etrangères


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Partnerships with local institutions

 Authority for Research and Conservation of the Cultural Heritage (ARCCH)
The research activities of the CFEE are conducted in close collaboration with the Authority for Research and Conservation of the Cultural Heritage (ARCCH), especially in the fields of Palaeontology and Archaeology. As the authority in charge of research on Ethiopian tangible heritage, the ARCCH contributes to all the paleontological and archaeological missions of the CFEE by providing legal authorisations for these missions and sending experts who take part in archaeological excavations. One of the CFEE’s project, Late Stone Age Sequence in Eastern Africa (see the program “Later Prehistory in the Horn of Africa”), is co-directed by one of the ARCCH’s experts in Prehistory : Asamerew Dessie. Researchers of the ARCCH thus write many joint publications with members of the CFEE. The ARCCH is also our privileged partner when it comes to the dissemination of scientific knowledge in Ethiopia, as the 2014 opening of the National Museum’s new exhibition of Palaeontology and Prehistory witnesses (see the section Exhibitions). Last but not least, the CFEE and the ARCCH co-organise seminars and conferences that contribute to the training of the institution’s curators and heritage experts (seminar Evolution since 2015).

 Ethiopian Wildife Conservation Authority (EWCA)
Since 2019, the CFEE is partner with the Ethiopian Wildife Conservation Authority. In relation to the funded research programme directed by Guillaume Blanc, PANSER, the CFEE supports a conservation and promotion project of the nature conservation archives in Ethiopia.

 Institute of Ethiopian Studies (IES, Addis Ababa University)
The Institute of Ethiopian Studies (IES), a department of Addis Ababa University dedicated to the study of Ethiopian Humanities, is a long-time partner of the CFEE. The two institutions co-organised the 2012 International Conference of Ethiopian Studies (ICES#18) in Dire Dawa. The director of the Institute, the historian Ahmed Hassen Omer, who studied in France, is an associate researcher of the CFEE. The IES is additionally an important interlocutor for us since it helps facilitate administrative procedures with other Ethiopian institutions for researchers of the CFEE.

 Debre Berhan University
Debre Berhan University, which hosts the only Department of Medieval History and Heritage Management of the country, is the privileged partner of the CFEE’s History seminars (Seminar Medieval and Post-Medieval History of Ethiopia from 2013 to 2015 ; Seminar Past and Present since 2015). This department is directed by the historian Deresse Ayenachew, who has been trained in France and is now an associate researcher of the CFEE.

 Mekelle University
Mekelle University is a partner of the CFEE since 2013. The CFEE takes part in the launching of an archaeological excavation site as well as an excavation school in Kwiha (an aksumite archaeological site), a project directed by Wolbert Smidt (an assistant professor in History at Mekelle and an associate researcher of the CFEE) and Jean-François Breton (an archaeologist at the CNRS and previous director of the CFEE) - see the research program “Historical Archaeology in Ethiopia”. Furthemore, Fesseha Berhe, an anthropologist at Mekelle University, participates to the organisation of the new seminar of the CFEE dedicated to migrations from/in the Horn of Africa. Finally, the CFEE is developing a partnership with the department of Political Sciences and Strategic Studies of Mekelle University by organising joint scientific meetings and sending researchers affiliated to the CFEE to give lectures within the curriculum of Political Sciences.

 Université de Djibouti
The CFEE is a partner of the University of Djibouti, with whom several training courses given by researchers of the CFEE (Margaux Herman, Deresse Ayenachew, and Thomas Osmond) have been organised. Joint scientific events are also organised by the two institutions.

Partnerships with French institutions

 Cultures et Environnements. Préhistoire, Antiquité, Moyen-Âge (CEPAM, UMR 7264 - CNRS / Université Nice Sophia Antipolis)
The CEPAM is a partner of the CFEE within the framework of the archaeological research project VAPOR-AFAR (directed by Lamya Khalidi).
See the research program “Later Prehistory in the Horn of Africa”.

 Institut de paléoprimatologie, paléontologie humaine : Evolution et paléoenvironnements (IPHEP, UMR 7262 - CNRS / Université de Poitiers) 
The IPHEP is a partner of the CFEE within the framework of the palaeoanthropological and archaeological mission in Shungura, lower Omo valley (directed by Jean-Renaud Boisserie).
See the research program “Palaeoanthropological mission in the Omo (Omo Group Research Expedition)”.

 Institut de physique du Globe de Strasbourg (IPGS, UMR 7516 - CNRS / Université de Strasbourg)
L’IPGS is a partner of the CFEE within the framework of the program Dynamics of Rifting in Afar (coordinated by Cécile Doubre).
See the program “Dynamics of rifting in Afar” (Ethiopia-Djibouti).

 Institut des mondes africains (IMAF, UMR 8171 - CNRS / Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne / Université d’Aix-Marseille / École pratique des hautes études / Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales / IRD)
The IMAF is a partner of the CFEE within the framework of the Medieval Archaeology of Lalibela project (directed by Marie-Laure Derat).
See the program “Historical Archaeology in Ethiopia”.

 Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives (INRAP)
The INRAP is a partner of the CFEE since 2011. Researchers from the INRAP participate to excavation projects of the CFEE. The INRAP additionally receives Ethiopian interns in excavation sites in France.

 Les Afriques dans le Monde (LAM, UMR 5115 - CNRS / Sciences Po Bordeaux)
The research laboratory LAM is a partner of the CFEE within the framework of the multi-annual Observatory of political and security stakes in the Horn of Africa (coordinated by Jean-Nicolas Bach).

 Orient & Méditerranée (UMR 8167 - CNRS / Université Paris IV Sorbonne / Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne / École pratique des hautes études / Collège de France)
The research laboratory Orient & Méditerranée is a partner of the CFEE within the framework of the Mission of Archaeology and Antique Epigraphy of Tigray at Wakarida (directed by Iwona Gajda).
See the research program “Historical Archaeology in Ethiopia”.

 Travaux et recherches archéologiques sur les cultures, les environnements et les sociétés (TRACES, UMR 5608 - CNRS / Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès)
The research laboratory TRACES is a partner of the CFEE within the framework of the prehistoric Archaeology project Late Stone Age Sequence in Eastern African (directed by François Bon and Asamerew Dessie). Laurent Bruxelles, who is a member of this laboratory, also participates to the Medieval Archaeology of Lalibela project.
See the research programs Later Prehistory in the Horn of Africa, Historical Archaeology in Ethiopia

 Joint Units of French Research Institutes Abroad (UMIFRE) in Sub-Saharan Africa
The CFEE organises scientific meetings on the contemporary Horn of Africa together with the branch of the Centre for Social, Legal and Economic Studies and Documentation (CEDEJ) in Khartoum. It also develops projects for scientific dissemination together with the French Institute of South Africa (IFAS) in Johannesburg, as well as the French Institutes for Research in Africa (IFRA) of Nairobi and Nigeria.